Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Yo my best fwiend"

Sometimes being a mother is a thankless job. You have to rally the troops to clean their rooms, argue with them until they finally practice their instruments, and insist that their hair is brushed "all the way through." Sometimes you feel like you're in a battle of wills--and the goal is to see who is the most stubborn.

Every once in a while, though, you get one of those moments where you realize your kids actually do love you.

Today, I was carrying Jenny into the Ole Hanson pool in San Clemente to watch Jacob finish his swim team practice. Jenny was pointing to things and saying them. "Mommy, that's a twee." "Mommy, that's a caw." "Yes, you're right. Good job, Jenny." was my response. I was only half listening.

Then, all of a sudden, Jenny wrapped her arms around me and said, "Mommy, yo my best fwiend." The hug lasted only a second, but it was long enough.

Those are the moments that mean the most.


mfk1022 said...

yes they are.My son started high school in sept.he is on the soccer team and has had practice every day.He goes to school at 645 am and doesnt get home until 630 then goes and does homework in his room after a quick meal.The other day he came down stairs and siad i need my unifoai washed and money for lunch.then he stopped looked at me and said by the way Mom i love you and gave me a hug!!!made my day!

Erica said...

I love moments like that!