Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Utah drivers, California drivers--who's worse?

My husband and I are having an ongoing conversation about who's worse: Utah drivers or California drivers. Jeff insistst that Utah drivers are annoying, and I think Cali drivers are nuts.

The first time I drove on the CA freeway was on our honeymoon. Jeff and I were driving all of my stuff out from Utah (where I was living at the time), and since we were taking two cars I was forced to drive behind Jeff. The cars came too fast, and there were too many lanes--I couldn't get my bearings, so I putted down the freeway at 55 mph, white-knuckled, sweating, and cursing Jeff for making me drive.

But this trip has proved to me without doubt that Cali drivers are worse. So far, on this trip, Jeff has been pulled over by a policeman for running a stop sign--didn't see it with all of the snow--and we have run our car into a bank during a snowstorm. Luckily the plow came by about 30 seconds later and threw an entire bag of salt under our minivan to get it going again. It's not that Jeff is a bad driver--he's actually pretty good at it (and better than I am, but don't tell him that). It's just that, when it comes to the weather, sunny California doesn't give you many opportunities to develop your snow driving skills!


Unknown said...

Hey Amy,
Lost your email when I redeployed. Hope all is well with you and the family.

Amy Osmond Cook said...

Hi Jonathan!

Great to hear from you! Where are you stationed now?

Anonymous said...

California drivers are more aggressive for sure! It's "get on, go fast or MOVE!" Yikes. Driving in the snow though.....ugh. Neither sound fun!

Love the new blog format--fun to read and her about your family adventures :-)

Emilie in CA

Anonymous said...

California drivers are the worst, but if you include your father, well that might tip the scale back towards Utah, HA!

I hope you and your family are well.
